We all have room for improvement; individually and in our marriages.

With divorce on the rise, I feel a desire to do my part to reach out to those that are in need of a lift in the right direction with getting out of the slump, pulling you back up from the end of your thread, or just enhancing your already great marriage!

There are some fantastic resources for every marriage.
Marriage IS worth fighting for.
Love IS worth fighting & working for!


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Distractions Part 2

After I posted "Distractions" - I did a little soul searching. Knowing I still needed to work on this area of my life, I started to figure out what I needed to do and what exactly did I need to eliminate that wasn't imperative for me to keep. I connect to things on an emotional level, so while this might seem like a fairly simple thing to do - eliminating distractions, it can be sometimes a painful process. But worth it in the end.

Besides this blog, I have another one that I am passionate about called Yours, Mine & Ours. I'm sure I am not completely leaving that blog, but I am stepping back from it a bit. I want to be able to reach out to others because I find that to be really important; having felt alone at a time in my life of going through what I did and not knowing for a time if what I was feeling was normal or I was going crazy was really difficult. It is like a big black cloud that follows you wherever you go and rains down upon you without any sight of sunshine ever peeking through. I feel like I can step back a bit from my other blog because I am involved with two great stepmom groups, one of them being with many of who I consider my best friends. I have a place with them that keeps that sunshine peeking through. I am not stepping away from this blog however, as I have a passion for this subject as well. And with my own experiences with divorce and divorce always on the rise and struggling marriages for different reasons, I hope to be able to help give some insight to help you in your marital journey.

Over a year, plus some I have realized something about myself that I am not sure how to really reign in or improve really, but I am always analyzing myself and always trying to figure out how best I can to improve myself and a whole, but the relationships I have with others and so on.

Other distractions I have stepped away from was groups I was on that were more or less crowding out everything else on my news feed on Facebook. Many of the people I associate with, within those groups I am direct friends with and/or I have their email and can be contacted if needed via that route than having hundreds of extra feeds coming from several different directions. I have thought about completely deactivating my account for a time, but I'm not sure if that is something that I want to even do. First, we'll see how it goes with eliminating some of the distractions coming several different directions before I deactivate and go back to the "simple" life of technology - email and text messaging and actually calling people and talking on the phone.

I guess I just have to find a niche here to get less distracted in my life and have more time in my day to do what is most important than try to keep up with everything that is pulling me in a thousand (it feels like at times) directions than where I really need to be.

Have you found yourself in these instances before? What did you do to resolve the issue? Or has your spouse tried to help you see that you may need to take less distractions out of your days? Did you feel angry with them for this? Do you think that maybe they just want to spend some time with you or as a family? I believe that moving forward has to come with the first step of realizing there is a problem within yourself before you can make a healthy step in the right direction for yourself and for your spouse and family.

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