We all have room for improvement; individually and in our marriages.

With divorce on the rise, I feel a desire to do my part to reach out to those that are in need of a lift in the right direction with getting out of the slump, pulling you back up from the end of your thread, or just enhancing your already great marriage!

There are some fantastic resources for every marriage.
Marriage IS worth fighting for.
Love IS worth fighting & working for!


Tuesday, April 2, 2013


I guess another apology is in order with my MIA - I mean I haven't been here since August! Crazy how time flies and how busy life gets.

We've had to figure out how to balance our marriage, family, school, doTERRA, life in general - and sometimes we've got it, and sometimes we have to tweak it every now and then. I think that is pretty common throughout life. I don't think there is one time where you always have things balanced 100% of the time. I believe recognizing that this is normal and learning to tweak it together is a necessary must. Anyway, it has been a ride of ups and downs and balance back and forth.

I have absolutely loved school. I am now in my 3rd term, and again go until October. I am so excited for that day! But at the same time, it is kind of bitter/sweet - having spent so much time with my classmates, they are my second family and separating that out a bit is a little sad. Sure we'll keep in touch though through the years, I hope! But, getting going with my private practice will be a dream come true. I really enjoy helping others help their body do what nature intended for it to do - heal.

I have also loved sharing doTERRA, sharing through information on my sites, as well as through classes, 1:1's etc. Sharing my passion to help others have better quality in their lives and create a healer in every home. I have a website for that now : Heartpoint Healing. I also have a page on FB.

And we all adjust to what needs be. Making sure that the kids are getting the proper balance in such a busy world we already live in, including extra activities that are thrown into the mix. Focus on the marriage. Focus on Heavenly Father and the relationship I strive for to have with Him. Focus on getting my schoolwork done, and getting to school every night. Focus on our work, his work and my "work" if you want to call it that - doTERRA isn't work to me. It has been a blessing in our lives, health  & wellness and financially. We adjust.

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