When does divorce come to mind?
When it feels like it is the only hope, the only way out of something that cycles negatively continually, the feeling like it is the only happiness left to grasp onto because you feel it is the only light left. The advesary would have us believe by pulling the wool over our eyes and giving us the feelings that the grass is greener somewhere else, when your grass is just fine, it just needs some sunlight and nurturing...
Our perspectives to what is or not going on is never wrong, because that is how he or she feels and we've already established that each person owns their own feelings. But, what created those feelings in you? What created your spouse to respond the way he/she did? Do they even understand why? Have you delved into this and dissected it to understand why you respond the way you do, why you try and resolve the way you do? Care about it, yourself and your spouse enough to seek those answers. Once you understand why you do, talk about how it is or isn't working and why. Care about it. Is your way working? Do you feel like your way is the only way? Are you feeling like you're in the right and your spouse is in the wrong? Is that really effective? Is that even loving? Strip the pride down 100 notches and worth together, because this is about both of you, what works for both of you.We've talked about effective communication before. This isn't about who is right and wrong. This is about doing our 110% to making our spouse happy. Forget yourself, because if your spouse is addressing this very thing, you both are.
Happiness comes from within, the whipping and cherry on top is what your spouse can do for you, the extra. If you're not happy, choose to be happy, make the steps necessary to be happy - but in the process continue or start again to be that whipping cream and cherry on top for your spouse.
If your spouse isn't' doing what you need or the marriage needs to flourish, it makes it a very hard place to live in together, more hurt arises, and if the hurt isn't resolved, it compounds into a bigger issue of hurt, bitterness and grudges. If your spouse feels like they are doing everything they can, but you feel they aren't - talk about it (don't argue it, don't yell about it -that gets you no where but slamming doors, hurt feelings, and turning in circles that aren't helping the issue.) And just because you feel that they aren't doing their part, but they feel they are doesn't mean that either of you are on track. Sometimes it is as simple as a misunderstanding that gets out of control, or being human and slipping a little - but needing a reminder to get back on track (that isn't anything to get huffy and puffy over - be happy for the reminder), sometimes it is because you aren't meeting each others love language - though you may think you are, but you're not. The list goes on. Whatever it may be, talk about it, care about it - care about your spouse, and find out why your spouse feels that way and be apologetic, and change what needs to be changed in order for the cycle to be positive. Repeat if necessary for clarification and understanding.
I think too often spouses forget that each of us are not perfect spouses and that we all deserve to be forgiven and move forward in love, faith and understanding.
And if later down the road you fall into a slump, have a mutual "sign" so the chaos doesn't have to start again - but just a "hey, I feel like things are a bit off, let's talk about it or start over with our tools we've gained...." and if that doesn't work then jump back on the bandwagon with some help, a therapist if needed. It is okay to do this, it isn't the end of the world/marriage, it just shows maturity and a need to get back on track again. No one is perfect, marriage is not perfect. A weekly "how are you doing/feeling/how is your love tank/" should be addressed so as to avoid any of those hurt feelings that are not being addressed and to avoid the grudge cycle. Never did a grudge do a body, spirit, marriage, family any good.
And just because you don't think that your spouses feelings are of any great concern, think again. Because just because you may feel it isn't or shouldn't be a big deal - if it is to them, then it is. Work through it, care about it, don't put them down for it, don't feel like you just stomped over them. Care about their feelings.
Sometimes the whole he said/she said --- he did this/she did this comes into play - and you stick to it with every ounce of your being. But why? Did you really think about the underlying issues within themselves, within you? Within in your marriage? Have you ever watched "Fireproof" the movie? Or talked to a therapist, read a book and have a heavy heart and felt your experience is exactly the same, almost pointing the finger in your spouses direction? Stop right there... What is YOUR part? While some issues in marriage can be heavier felt from one spouse, it still takes two to make it work, you still both need to learn to talk effectively, you still both need to learn to listen, to care, to learn to stop needing to be right, to breathe deeply, and just care.
Marriage is a continual work in progress that never stops; but can only get better if you both choose to. Just as individual growth is important, as long as it affects your marriage and family for good, martial growth is important for both you and your family.
So stop in your tracks. Is what you are doing right now working? If not, address things differently, not individually, but together. And if you don't know how, get help. And if you've had help before, but you're not clicking with that therapist, find another one until you do. Find someone else with a different technique - I highly recommend the EFT (Emotional Focused Therapy). There is something out there that will help, in the meantime try the new things that have been taught. If they aren't jiving, don't give up, don't throw in the towel... Yes it may be discouraging, but keep working and willing to both look at yourself in what changes need to be made, what apologies need to be met, no matter if the issues are his or hers, or both, it still comes down to what works and doing what works together. And doing it again and again, making the cracks in your foundation fill with love, not hurt, not bitterness; and move forward in faith, fairness, caring, love and understanding. Again, remember that at times you may need to go back to a therapist, the drawing board, for a refresher to get back on track. It doesn't mean that you failed, it doesn't mean that your marriage is over. It means you are both human, not perfect and that is okay.
Move forward together.